Composing music for Cirka Teater's spectacular performance "Garage". Together with: Gilles Berger (stage design and actor), Paal Viken Bakke (actor) and Espen Dekko (director). The project is a cooperation between Nord-Trøndelag Teater and Cirka Teater. Premiere at Nord Trøndelag Teater, autumn 2017.

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Rehearsals: "The road between caves and towers"

Rehearsals: "The road between caves and towers"

An innovative and interactive theatre concept for children.

Composers and musicians: Sissel Vera Pettersen (vocals, saxophone, electronics) and Martin Smidt (drums, percussion, electronics).

The performance will be touring Norwegian schools 2017-2018.

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Choir music recently published

Choir music recently published

New choir works published by Norsk Musikforlag AS spring 2017. Presented at international music exhibitions in USA and Germany March-April 2017. The lyrics are poems written by Martin Smidt's sister, the Swedish-Norwegian poet, Torill Smidt. The music is published in Swedish and English versions. More music in this series is to come: The Norwegian chamber choir A Cappellissimo has commissioned more movements to this work, with support from The Norwegian Composers’ fund (Det Norsk Komponistfond).

Pigen der kunne flyve

Pigen der kunne flyve

11 May 2017: Premiere for the theatre performance "Pigen der kunne flyve" - Maskineriet Teater, Århus, Denmark. Music by Martin Smidt

Premiere "VIVALDI - The pasta pesto road show"

Premiere "VIVALDI - The pasta pesto road show"

Billuca Ensemble and Hans Petter Nilsen. Director: Kjersti Haugen A new performance freely based on the music and biography of Antonio Vivaldi. The innovative chamber music ensemble Billuca Ensemble together with the actor Hans Petter Nilsen. Vivaldi music recomposed by Tone Sand, Frode Angelsen and Martin Smidt



17 MARCH 2017: Release of Billuca Ensemble's 3rd album, "Wildflower Tales". Classical chamber music mixed with folk music, recomposed and arranged by Martin Smidt, Tone Sand and Frode Dyrli Angelsen



January - March 2017: Cirka Teater organized workshops with children in Trondheim as a preprod testing out material for their new interactive theater production about Cave, Tower and Road. Composers and live musicians: Sissel Vera Pettersen and Martin Smidt

Cirka Teater entering the Tower


Cirka Teater entering the Tower

Just finished the initial preproduction week in Cirka Teater´s exciting, new project involving spaces like the Cave, The Tower and the Journey. Together with: Anne Marit Sæther, Sissel Vera Pettersen, Janne Britt Rustad, Marte Stolp and Per Emil Grimstad


Recording Billuca's new album

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Recording Billuca's new album

Billuca Ensemble spent the last week in Øra Studio recording their new CD. The repertoaire is classical chamber music recomposed and mixed with folk music from Norway, Ireland and England. Composers and arrangers are Tone Sand. Frode Angelsen and Martin Smidt. Thank you, producer Jo Ranheim, for great session days in Øra!

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Fargene på Nyhavna


Fargene på Nyhavna

September 24-25 2016: The interactive children´s theatre performance "Fargene på Nyhavna" (The Colours of Nyhavna) with Cirka Teater (Composer/musician: Martin Smidt)

Under "Hendelser på Nyhavna" gikk mange glipp av "Fargene på Nyhavna" på grunn av begrenset plass. Derfor inviterer Cirka Teater til en ny runde nå i høst. 

Her kan barn og voksne bli med på oppdagelsesferd i Fyringsbunkeren på Nyhavna, gjennom merkelige rom og møter med skikkelser som hører til i havneområdet. "Rustmannen" har samlet skatter på Nyhavna i mange år. "Østersdamen" har hundrevis av skjell. "Pinnemannen" har verdens fineste samling rekved og røtter. Alle tre leter etter fargene på Nyhavna.


"Ville vekster" @ Kimen Kulturhus


"Ville vekster" @ Kimen Kulturhus

September 28 2016 - Kimen Kulturhus Stjørdal. The concert "Ville vekster i rosentiden"  with Billuca Ensemble - READ MORE

Vi gjentar konserten "Ville vekster i rosentiden" i Kimen onsdag 28.09.16 kl. 19.00

Dette er det samme programmet som ble urfremført i Frimurerlogen våren 2016 og spilt på turne i Italia sommer 2016.


Billuca in Italy


Billuca in Italy

In July 2016 Billuca Ensemble was invited by the festival arranger Gli Invaghiti and the Italian Embassy to play concerts in Piedmont, Italy.

More information at and the web site of the Italian Embassy - read more


Hendelser på Nyhavna: Cirka Scenefabrikk


Hendelser på Nyhavna: Cirka Scenefabrikk

On June 11 2016 I took part in Cirka Teater's fabulous project "Cirka Scenefabrikk". My contributions were in the following performances: 

- " Fabrikkveggen" (The Factory Wall) - composer

- "Fargene på Nyhavna" (The Colours of Nyhavna) - musician/composer

Stort å få være del av Cirka Teaters fantastiske prosjekt "Cirka Scenefabrikk" under "Hendelser på Nyhavna" 11. juni 2106. Jobbet sammen med et stort og inspirerende team av scenekunstnere som Cirka Teater har samarbeidet med gjennom tidene. 

"Fargene på Nyhavna" gjentas på Dora i Trondheim 24.-26. september

More information here


